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Friday, January 16, 2009

Where To Find The Right Lawyers and The Question You Should Ask

This is probably the most important step and should be one of your first priorities if you are serious about buying a house in Spain. Seek the services of a good lawyer, before you start the hunt.


Because with Spain currently still experiencing a property boom, and the market favoring the seller, it is important that you are ready to act quickly, to avoid any disappointment, should that perfect property present itself. A lot of house hunters start searching first and then worry about other things later. Considering that this will be a large investment of your time and money it is important to start off with your paper work in order first.

Your lawyer should be an independent professional who will protect your interests, and should be someone with whom you are comfortable with in terms of service and of course price. He or she should be fully conversant with both Spanish and U.K law.

Your lawyer or Abogado must be fluent in English as any badly translated contracts can, and have in the past rendered them useless, and can lead to a whole host of problems and some massive headaches in the future.

It is very important that you never sign any documents without getting your lawyer to check them first. This may sound like common sense, and it is. But picture this scenario: You've decided to buy a property in Spain but you are not entirely certain what you want . So you decide to start looking, 'just to get a feeling for the market'
You are with really nice agents and they have a great deal that has just come in that morning,a perfect property at a very low price. So you rush off to view it. And guess what,it's the one.
But you haven't arrange a lawyer yet.

"That's not a problem",say the nice agents,"all you need to do is place a deposit to reserve it, then we can take it off our books immediately (so no one else will snap it up) and then your lawyer can check the property and legal stuff later."
So you go ahead read and sign the deposit contract, under the premise that you only are reserving the property.

But this isn't true, and the contract can have clauses that bind you to adverse terms in the main document that you receive at a later date. If you were to do this then you could well have a problem getting your deposit back later, should your lawyer find something that may make you not go through with purchasing the property. So get a lawyer in place before you start your search.

Check that the person representing you is actually fully qualified and is a registered member of the Law Society. He or she should be happy to give you their registration number for 'the Colegio de Abogados' which you can and should double check. If you should have any problems then you can and should complain to them.

Also, by using a register lawyer/solicitor you are covered in the unlikely event that they make a mistake or act negligently. Register lawyers are covered by professional liability insurance, so you would be able to take action against them, knowing that the fund exists to compensate you if your lawyer is found liable.

An added bonus would be whether your lawyer can advise you on the various forms of property ownership and the associated taxes. It is however advisable to get the advise of a specialized financial advisor or accountant.

Hiring A Criminal Lawyer

There are a number of situations in life when you have to decide whether to hire a lawyer. For instance, if you're purchasing a house or having trouble paying your bills, hiring a lawyer may not be a necessity, but it's a good idea nonetheless. However, if you've been charged with driving under the influence, assault, or some other crime, hiring a criminal lawyer is mandatory. You'll want to make sure that your legal rights are protected throughout the entire judicial process.

But where do you begin, when you're hoping to hire a qualified criminal lawyer? One of the best ways to find an effective attorney is to consult with your family and friends. There is nothing better than a personal recommendation, especially one that comes from someone who is close to you. However, there are times when it might be difficult to obtain a personal referral. In those situations, you might consider consulting the local bar association or an Internet site such as The Internet, in fact, can provide a wealth of information about individual lawyers. For instance, you can find out about a lawyer's level of expertise in criminal law, biographical information, whether the lawyer is in good standing with the bar, and other pertinent facts. In addition, online archives of your local newspaper might include articles about cases that a particular lawyer has tried. You'll want to hire a lawyer with plenty of experience in the area of criminal law involved in your case, whether it be traffic offenses, drug crimes, or white collar crimes.

The next step is contacting the lawyer's office. If an attorney cannot meet with you on short notice, don't count the lawyer out. Effective lawyers are quite busy, so, if a lawyer is short on time, that may actually be a positive sign. Pay close attention to how your call is handled by the lawyer's staff. The staff should be courteous and be willing to answer all of your questions.

You should be aware of the fact that criminal defense lawyers tend to charge by the hour. As an alternative, they may charge a flat fee up front. Generally speaking, rules of professional conduct bar a lawyer from charging a contingency fee for a criminal case. Since legal fees can vary, you might want to engage in some comparison shopping. However, be advised that the better lawyers tend to charge more for their services. Since your freedom and reputation are at stake, you should invest in the best lawyer you can afford.

Given the fact that criminal cases are often settled through plea agreements with a district attorney's office, it can be important for a criminal lawyer to be on good terms with the D.A. Certainly, good relations between the two can only enhance your case. Therefore, you'll want a lawyer who has fairly regular contact with the prosecuting attorney in the county in which your case resides. Also, it's a good idea if you hire a lawyer who is affiliated with a group such as the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. Such an association shows that your lawyer wants to keep abreast of new developments in the area of criminal law.

Prior to hiring a criminal lawyer, be sure to ask for references. You'll want to know how clients view the attorney's expertise. You should also obtain a copy of the law firm's brochure, so you have a clear understanding of the outfit you're dealing with. It is also vitally important that you obtain a copy of the lawyer's retainer agreement so that you're aware of any up-front costs involved in obtaining legal representation.

In the end, you'll want to select a lawyer that you're comfortable with, one that truly understands your case and can work well on your behalf. You'll find that an effective criminal attorney is well worth his or her fee.

Law of Attraction in Action

The Bible says we are made "in the image of God" and that "what we reap we sowed." This means we, like God, are creators! Ive heard it said that God helps those who help themselves. We must learn how to help ourselves by co-creating, along with God, that which we desire by developing faith and applying focused thought. The best way to pray then is affirmatively, to visualize what we desire as if it is already in our experience, and to give thanks in advance, knowing that what we need and desire is available to us. To pray effectively, we pray affirmatively.

Would you like to be able to experience more of what brings you joy in your life? Do you have unmet wants and desires that have left you feeling unfulfilled in some areas of your life? Were you taught that it is our desires that make us unhappy? Whoever taught us that desire is a bad thing was an unempowered person!

Desire is a beautiful thing! It is desire that birthed this world, and it is desire that draws us together to create new life, both physically and metaphysically.

Imagine for a moment that you have a genie in a bottle, or a secret potion or wand that, that gives you the power to zap into being more of what you wish for. The truth is, it doesnt take a genie in a bottle, a magic wand or a secret potion, although these are fun reminders of the awesome power that we hold! We are Divine Beings!

The Bible says we are made "in the image of God" and that "what we reap we sowed." This means we, like God, are creators! Ive heard it said that God helps those who help themselves. We must learn how to help ourselves by co-creating, along with God, that which we desire by developing faith and applying focused thought. The best way to pray then is affirmatively, to visualize what we desire as if it is already in our experience, and to give thanks in advance, knowing that what we need and desire is available to us. To pray effectively, we pray affirmatively. A powerful prayer is one of gratitude. The more we count our blessings, the more blessings come to us. Our thoughts and prayers really do create our experiences!

Another way of saying this is to use creative visualization. Creative visualization is the technique of using our imagination to create more of what we want in life. Ive heard some people say, "I cant do that, I dont visualize anything!" There is nothing woo woo about it. You are already using visualization techniques every day - every time you think about what to have for lunch or what you might want to do over the weekend, or even while remembering a special person in your life, you are using your creative imagination! Visualization is the basic creative energy of the universe, which we use constantly, whether or not we aware of it. When we arent aware it is called creating by default. When we are setting conscious intentions, we are deliberately co-creating with God, or the Universe.

You may have heard the saying, "Thoughts are things." Our thoughts, beliefs and feelings are real! They are alive with the spiritual substance that makes up this world. Our thoughts are energized and powerful. Everything we experience in "reality" has its beginnings in the non-physical. Every thought we think is a seed and every time we think the same thought over again, we water that seed. When we think thoughts filled with emotion, we fertilize those thoughts. The more intense our desire, and the degree to which we believe it is possible, the more likely it is to come into our experience and the faster it will manifest. The law of the soil and the law of the mind are the same.

The world is filled with evidence that supports our beliefs. In other words, optimists are confirmed in their optimism, and pessimists are confirmed in their habits of thought also. An optimist expects things to work out somehow, and because they give their attention to what they do want with expectancy, this is what manifests in their experience. The pessimist, on the other hand, generally also creates what they habitually worry about. When pessimists learn how to alter their expectations and beliefs, they too can more deliberately create what they are wanting in life.

I truly believe that everything works towards our highest good, we just need to trust the Universal Laws working through us and use our experiences to expand our consciousness. Lets use the Law of Attraction to make the world a more joyful and loving place!

If you could begin to feel appreciation for the fact that desire exists and anticipation about its unfolding, rather than disappointment that it has not
manifested, your energy would clear up by 95% and your manifestations would begin to flow to you so much more easily.

The Law of Financial Compensation

There are three rules associated with the Law of Financial Compensation. Learn how to activate all three and watch your business go through the roof! For over 20 years I have been fascinated with what it really takes to make a lot of money.

I realized a long time ago that if someone else could do something or achieve something... then I could at least copy what they did, and get a similar...or better result.

When I was younger "making money" was on top of my list so I became a very good student.

What I have discovered in my that it's not just the people with the college degrees or the most potential that make the most money.

You and I both know people who we think are smarter than we are - yet they don't make as much money as we do.

And we also know people who we think aren't as smart as we are...who make more.

I was VERY fortunate that I had the desire to earn a lot of money - just as I hope you do. The reason I say that is because money is not hard to make if you understand how.

But more than having just desire, I found a few mentors who really knew what making money was really all about.

They were making millions, so I wanted to make millions.

As a matter of fact, I decided at the age of 22 - that I was going to be a millionaire! I had no idea how, but I was going to listen to them and then do it.

Let me share with you a few simple things I learned that I think will help you on your quest for earning significantly more money.

The "Street Kid" part of me wants it simple and fast. Everything I do is about getting results now, not in 6 months. Everything you learn, you will be able to apply immediately, so let's begin.

First and foremost, earning a lot of money is not reserved for smart people.

It's reserved for people who do the right things, spiritually, mentally and physically, that attract money.

One of the first things you must understand is that the internal belief you have about what you think you can earn, is not your true potential, but a conditioned "belief" based on your past results and old mental conditioning.

And as a reminder, your internal image and conditioning controls what you focus on, attract and see. If you are conditioned to make $35k a year, all you see is opportunities and jobs in line with that image and focus.

If you are conditioned to earn $200k a year, then all you are focused on is things that are in line with that income level.

There is an exact science to earning money that most people have never been taught.

I'll give you an example of three of the easy rules you must understand for earning money. Without understanding and applying these simple rules you are working harder than you need to be.

I've been able to help many people significantly increase their incomes and lifestyle by simply understanding and following the information that follows, so here you go...

Now remember, individually these rules may seem simple.

But when you look at the three'll understand the potential effect they have on how much you can earn.

Ok, Rule One...

"I get paid in direct the need for what I do".

This is pretty easy. Do a lot of people need what you do or have, or is it just a few? The more potential there is for what you have or do, the more money there is for you to attract.

For example: If you are a doctor, a salesperson, a secretary or a baker,there is a clear need in our society for what you do.

The same holds true for professional athletes or musicians. There are some professions and products that have less need than others, therefore less earning potential.

Lets go on to Rule Two...

"I get paid in direct proportion to how replaceable I am, or how replaceable my product, or service is".

This is where earning money starts to get a little competitive.

If you are easy to replace because the entry to what you do is easy, then you have to be very, very good to do well in that field. Otherwise you will have to share the potential income between lots of people.

The harder the entry the higher the potential income is because there are fewer people to share it with.

The same is true if you have a product or service that is easy to duplicate. Rarity increases value. Think of surgeon vs. a general doctor.

Think of a rare original painting vs. a print. Think of an excellent salesperson vs. an "OK" one. The list can go on and on...

Here's Rule Three...

"I get paid in direct proportion to how good my product, service, or my talent is".

Think about this for a moment; compared to other people in your line of work, how good are you, or how good is your product or service compared to the best there is in your field?

Think of how much Michael Jordan earns vs. a rookie...

Think of any service you currently use that is so-so vs. another one that is excellent. Who do you prefer to do business with? The excellent one don't you?

These three questions should get you thinking about some of the basics like:

How good is your product or service? If you aren't the best, or close, then why not?

What reasons are you "internally" telling yourself for not being better? What is this costing you in income and your life style?

Are you easily replaceable?

Is it easy for someone to learn what you do or is there a longer specialized learning curve? Are you doing what you can to get by, or are you continuously growing and getting better with your product or service?

If you are honest with yourself about the answers, I think you'll agree that in one or more of the areas...there is room for improvement.

I'd like you to imagine what it would be like to double or triple your income or revenues right now. What would you buy, where would you go, what would you have that you don't right now?

I ask you these questions because I was asked them when I was 21.

I liked the answers I came up with so I decided to really go for it and learn and do what was needed.

If you don't keep growing and learning, you've made an internal agreement with yourself that you are fine with how much money you are earning right now and with what you've got right now.

All About Car Accident Lawyers

If youve been seriously injured in a car accident, you have to contact a car accident lawyer as soon as possible. Take note that car accident cases can be really complex and a legal specialist can help you understand your legal rights and options. In such accidents, you may be entitled to compensation especially when youre not the one at fault of the incident. If you want a speedy and peaceful process, you can file a personal injury claim against the party of the accident who is at fault to get a car accident settlement.

A car accident lawyer can help you receive proper medical care for the injuries youve acquired from such incident. On the victims part, he has to present his attorney with important relevant documents to help in the evaluation of his case. Remember that once you avail the services of your lawyer, he has to accomplish various tasks such as gather information from authorities, obtain your medical reports, and look for other documents that will support your claim. Also, he can act as an intermediary between the involved parties.

Prior to a car accident which may be caused by defective products such as bad tires or an automobile defect, you also have to contact your insurance company. You have to give them significant information such as drivers license numbers, name of the persons involved, and other relevant details about the car accident. By doing so, you can get compensation for lost income, medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other damages. Therefore, you have to keep in mind that it is really important to gather accurate information to establish whos at fault.

Indeed, a car accident lawyer can assist you in your car accident claim for you to be able to receive the proper compensation that you deserve. An attorney is essential both for an out-of-court or court settlement so that the defendants will not be able to trick you regarding financial compensation which means that the right amount will be given to you. In addition, if the aggrieved party doesnt agree with an out-of-court settlement, the court can determine the amount that will be given to them.

You can search the Internet for competent car accident lawyers and for information on car accidents. The web offers vast information of this type of accident and the injuries that it can cause. You can also learn the liabilities of drunk and reckless driving online. A car accident attorney can help you make a better decision on how to manage your claim successfully. That is how critical the task of your lawyer is in your personal injury case.

Lawsuit Loan

A lawsuit loan, or pre-settlement funding, is one option for people involved in a lawsuit to finance their daily needs. A lawsuit loan is advance money given to cash strapped individuals who are trying to claim their rights through a lawsuit.

Thus lawsuit loan can allow you to pursue your legal case to the full extent without being hurried to seek judgment because you are facing cash woes. Without the lawsuit loan option, many people would be willing to accept quick settlements if they knew their daily household bills were pilling up.

As the lawsuit judgment is delayed, it can hurt a person. If you are involved in a lawsuit, for example a workplace injury lawsuit, with a major corporation their lawyers will be able to delay judgment for a long time. With lawsuit loans you will be in a better place to pursue your rights to the full extent of the law.

Here are some common cases for which you can take out lawsuit loans:

  • Medical malpractice
  • Workplace injury
  • Discrimination

If you have to leave your job due to injury or discrimination, keeping up with your household payments can be a huge strain. Lawsuit loans can allow you to take care of medical expenses, household bills, mortgage payments, auto payments, etc.

You can get lawsuit loans from several banks and private institutions. The amount of loan you get will be a percentage of the total amount of your lawsuit. The lenders will look at your legal case and determine how much to loan you.

Lawsuit loan have the benefit that you only have to pay back if you win the case. Therefore there are no monthly payments. There are no credit checks before loan acquirement; therefore you do not have to worry if you have poor credit.

Lawsuit loans may not be your only option if you are having trouble making ends meet while the case is being decided. You can look into other types of personal loans. Lawsuit loans will usually have high interest rates associated with them.

With lawsuit loans you should consider many options before you make your decision. Usually it is advisable to use a well reputed company as your lender.